Daily Archives: September 20, 2012

2 posts

Josiah K. Lilly, Jr.

Ben-Hur & J.K. Lilly, Jr.

In the mid-1930s, Josiah K. Lilly, Jr., noted Indianapolis philanthropist and partner in the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical business, acquired papers and memorabilia significant in Indiana history. He purchased the original manuscript of Ben-Hur, hand-written in purple ink by Lew Wallace, from the author’s grandson, Lew Wallace, Jr. Mystery of the […]

Bohumir Kryl Project This Saturday

Saturday, September 22 has been designated Bohumir Kryl Day by Crawfordsville Mayor Todd Barton. Bohumir Kryl was hired in 1896 by General Lew Wallace to carve the limestone frieze on his Study building. Kryl also worked on the Soldiers and SailorsMonument in Indianapolis. While in Indianapolis, Kryl auditioned for John […]