Follow Maria’s Journey with Ramon and Trisha Arredondo

Cover of family history book Maria's JourneyEveryone has a story to tell. Maybe someone in your family fought in World War II or marched with the Civil Rights Movement. Maybe one of your ancestors developed an important advancement in the medical or engineering fields. Maybe it’s just a story about where you were the day you heard about JFK’s assassination… the Challenger explosion… the World Trade Center collapse.

Whatever the story you have to tell, you’ll want to join us this coming Thursday for our next genealogy lecture–Writing Your Family History!

Ramon and Trisha Arredondo of northern Indiana told an amazing story about their family history when they wrote Maria’s Journey, a true story about a fourteen-year-old Mexican girl named Maria, who entered into an arranged marriage to Miguel Arredondo. Maria, Miguel, and their young daughter immigrated to the United States in the 1920s and experienced the Great Depression, the Labor Movement, World War II, and other important eras in American history.

Join us Thursday, October 3 at 7 p.m. in the Carriage House for this fascinating discussion. Ray and Trisha will have copies of their book for sale and will be signing books while they are here.

This lecture is free and open to the public, but seating in the Carriage House is limited. Please RSVP so we can expect you by emailing or calling us at 765-362-5769.

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