A Look Inside: Study Deterioration

Water damage in the Study basement
02-11-09 Water Damage 11, originally uploaded by WallaceStudy.

During heavy rains, water perennially leaks into the basement of the Study building, potentially causing damage to any artifacts stored downstairs.

One of the few pieces stored there is General Wallace’s original 1870 French Victoria carriage. The carriage, in its original condition, is placed on wooden blocks to limit any contact with leaking water, but the temperature and humidity fluctuations in this kind of atmosphere are incredibly detrimental to the life of this artifact. This photo, of significant pooling in the Study basement, was taken on February 11, 2009, during a late-winter rainstorm.

The Staff and Trustees of the General Lew Wallace Study and Museum have been raising funds and public awareness about the growing problem of structural deterioration of the Study building since 2005. To that end, we have established a Facebook Cause (http://apps.facebook.com/causes/214641), This will gather information about the Study building, photos and videos, and links with what you can do to help.

Join our cause, tell your friends, and help us save General Wallace’s Study, a National Historic Landmark and what Wallace called “the pleasure-house of my soul.”

For further information about the Study Restoration Project, contact study@ben-hur.com.

–Kara Edie, Visitor Services & Marketing Coordinator

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