The Staff and Trustees of the General Lew Wallace Study and Museum welcomed new Museum Director Larry Paarlberg with a reception in his honor on Thursday, October 22, 2009. Members of the Lew Wallace Study Preservation Society gathered at the Carriage House Interpretive Center to meet Paarlberg, mingle, and of course enjoy fabulous hors d’oeuvres on a misty autumn evening.
“I’ve never felt more warmly welcomed,” said Paarlberg of the evening’s festivities. “I’m so impressed that so many people turned out in less-than-stellar weather. And the trustees should rent themselves out to New York caterers, the food was so good.”
Larry Paarlberg started working at the Museum on October 1 and has already had experience with visitors from the community, school tours, and grant presentations in his short tenure. Among his current duties is overseeing the Study Restoration Project, beginning this fall.