Our final Civil War lecture of 2014 will be held in conjunction with Wabash College on Thursday, November 6 at 7:30 pm. Unlike our other lectures, this one will be located on the Wabash College campus, in Baxter 101. We will have far greater seating capacity there, as we are expecting a crowd. […]
Middle Department
Our seventh lecture of the year will be on Thursday, October 23, with S. Chandler Lighty, Historical Digital Newspapers Program Manager and Digital Initiatives Consultant at the Indiana State Library. Lighty will deliver a lecture entitled “Crowded with Perplexities: Lew Wallace and Civil Liberties in Baltimore.” Civil Liberties in Baltimore […]
We have a special evening planned for April 10 to celebrate Lew’s 187th birthday! The Indy Eleven, Indianapolis’ professional soccer club, will be joining us in Crawfordsville to honor the man whose regiment they are named after. The Indy Eleven are kicking off their inaugural season with a match on […]
In 1864, Maryland had a series of important elections, resulting in emancipation of Maryland’s slaves. Lew Wallace was instrumental in making sure the elections went smoothly without interference. Over the course of the war, Lew had become an abolitionist. In an 1862 speech Lew gave in Evansville, he said, “this […]
In the summer of 1864, John W. Garrett, President of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, came to see General Lew Wallace. Mr. Garrett expressed concern for the safety of Washington (as well as his railroad). His personnel reported detachments of Confederate troops in the Shenandoah Valley. According to Garrett, such […]